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relation chart中文是什么意思

用"relation chart"造句"relation chart"怎么读"relation chart" in a sentence


  • 关边图法


  • Applying relative arithmetic to all kinds of faults and calculating off - line , we can master time - distance relation chart for all kinds of faults . computation indicates : when transmission lines occur faults , the data window of protection algorithm consisting of prefault and postfault data at the same time has important significance . the following methods are useful to achieve the inverse time characteristic : calculating impedance by using flourier in a full cycle , calculating work voltage by using fault component , calculating the torque created by a phase comparator or a magnitude comparator
  • The paper expounds the design and implement based on the mixed pattern of c / s and b / s . it consists of demanding analysis s system structure , network structures data flowing diagrams function module . . entity relation chart of database and the application of key techniques . it gives a detailed expounding about database ' s dynamic links
    论文给出了基于c s和b s混合结构模式的设计与实现,包括图书进销存系统的需求分析,系统的体系结构、网络结构图、数据流图、功能模块图,数据库的实体关系图,以及各关键技术的应用。
用"relation chart"造句  
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